The elePHPant in the room: Wordpress

<p>There is no denying that PHP took a great leap forward in the last years. The transformation is so generalized that &ldquo;the PHP experience&rdquo; has become, to many, somehow irrecognizable.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s hard to point at one single factor. With changes covering from performance boosts, quality-of-life syntax changes (type-hinting, PHPDoc generics) and async development (coroutines, generators), the newer versions make development feel more like the intellectual task that programming should be and less like the constant wrestling with language quirks and hacks of previous years.</p> <p>Quantitatively speaking, the language still owes much of its market share to Wordpress. And that is something we&nbsp;<em>do not</em>&nbsp;like to talk about.</p> <h2>Before you stop here</h2> <p>Some developers cringe at the sole mention of Wordpress. I was there, too. I looked down at those poor creatures repeating&nbsp;<code>add_filter</code>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<code>add_action</code>&nbsp;like a mantra every time they needed to change something in their site.</p> <p>If that is your case, I ask you a favor: give the following paragraphs a caritative read. I will make by best effort to give dimension of the problem that Wordpress comes to solve.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>