The Effective Manager — How I Lead My Teams in Only 36 Hours a Week

<p>The responsibility to<a href="" rel="noopener">&nbsp;lead 45 direct reports</a>&nbsp;inspires me to continually improve my effectiveness as their manager through learning and experimentation.</p> <p>I am grateful to live in a day and age where I can read any book on leadership on my Kindle and discover insightful articles here on Medium. We, as leaders, can implement many lessons, tools, tips, and tricks to improve our impact.</p> <p>One of my most valuable periods of accumulating knowledge happened in Kenya in 2011. My in-laws celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by taking their children and partners (that would include me) on a safari. At the hotel, I discovered a small 2nd hand bookshop filled with management and leadership classics. I read over 25 books in those two weeks; one stood out:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">The Effective Executive&nbsp;</a>by Peter Drucker.</p> <p>I loved the simplicity of Drucker&rsquo;s system of getting things done, and when I got back to my leadership role, I experimented with many of his ideas to improve my effectiveness.</p> <p>Through the years, I have continued to read books and lead teams. This has led to a system of my own, comprising six practices.</p> <p>I chose the title of this article as an homage to Peter Drucker&rsquo;s book, which significantly increased my effectiveness as a manager starting that October in Kenya.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>