The Absurdities of Personal Development: Why I Tried to Meditate With a Watermelon

<p>Ah, personal development. That beautiful realm of self-improvement where we read self-help books that often contradict each other, attend seminars from gurus who have all the answers, and sometimes&hellip; try to meditate with a watermelon.</p> <p>Wait, what?</p> <p>Yes, dear readers, you read that correctly. And before you think I&rsquo;ve gone off the deep end, allow me to share my tales from the quirky side of personal development.</p> <h1>1. The Time I Tried To Meditate With A Watermelon</h1> <p><img alt="" src="*QOgC8QShAepPH3CogzpFqA.png" style="height:700px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Me mediating with a watermelon (Illustration)</p> <p>It started with a misinterpretation of a podcast. The host said, &ldquo;To find inner peace, sometimes you need to find your watermelon.&rdquo; Now, I&rsquo;m pretty sure they meant something metaphorical, but who am I to shun the chance to innovate?</p> <p>So there I was, sitting crossed-legged on my living room floor, with a watermelon cradled in my arms, trying to connect on a spiritual level. Twenty minutes later, the only enlightenment I had was that watermelons are heavy.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>