The 5 Gravest Mistakes I Made as a Parent That Turned My Son, Donald, Into a Monster

<h2><strong>I Send My Apologies From the Other Side</strong></h2> <p>All moms make boo-boos while raising their kids, whether it&rsquo;s allowing them too much screen time or not assigning them household chores. Yet, I pray with all my might that no mother will ever experience the bottomless regret, sadness, and shame I have for the way I parented my son Donald.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m Mary Ann Trump, mother of the 45th president of the United States, the man who carried out an elaborate scheme to overthrow democracy and make himself a dictator. Thank goodness, my husband Fred and I had long since left this earth when Donald attempted all this, disgracing our family and staining the Trump name for all eternity.</p> <p>Unfortunately, though, I can&rsquo;t say that my son&rsquo;s evil machinations were a surprise to me. As his mother, I was all too familiar with his narcissism, cruelty, and dishonesty and it caused me tremendous distress.</p> <p>In fact, I was so disturbed by his odious behavior that I once turned to his first wife, Ivana, and asked forlornly:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;What sort of son have I created?&rdquo;</a>&nbsp;Like Dr. Frankenstein with his monster, I knew that I was responsible for unleashing something ghastly into this world.</p> <p>With a desire to make a smidgen of amends, I&rsquo;m now sharing my gravest mistakes in the hope that others will avoid making them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Donald Monster