What is Going on In Texas is Abhorrent

<p>How far are we going to let these depraved Republican Texans go in their crimes against Women before we take action. They are treating Women like Farm Animals in Texas. How can the Men in Texas allow Women to be abused like this without taking action. Sadly our Nation keeps allowing Republicans to get their way. This happened in Germany. The German people allowed the Holocaust. There was never any uprising against the Holocaust by the German people. It took outside forces to stop the Nazis from their atrocities against humanity. I don&rsquo;t see that happening in the United States. And once this kind of sickness and depravity starts it never stops on it&rsquo;s own. This sick obsession with Women&rsquo;s bodies is coming from the Christian Churches. Christian Male leaders want control over Women&rsquo;s Reproductive Organs. The Church says God is against Abortion in all circumstances. Even if it kills the Woman.</p> <p><a href="https://ambientartspace.medium.com/what-is-going-on-in-texas-is-abhorrent-bd4b8ffdfe9d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>