Testing Android apps for flaky network situations with Flaker

<p>In today&rsquo;s world, every app is connected to the internet. And as we all know, network conditions are not always stable. As part of a good user experience, developers should test their apps for flaky and slow networks to see how they behave under these conditions.</p> <h1>Existing ways&hellip;</h1> <h2>Emulating Slow Network</h2> <p>You can emulate a slow network by changing the network mode in your device setting for your physical devices as in the image below. (Left side is for emulator and right side is for physical device)</p> <p><a href="https://proandroiddev.com/testing-android-app-for-your-flaky-network-situations-with-flaker-64642a30926a"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Android Apps