How Tesla’s Self-Driving Cars Navigate the Road with Machine Learning

<p><strong>1. Autopilot: Starting the Journey</strong></p> <p>Imagine your car having its own set of eyes and ears &mdash; that&rsquo;s Tesla&rsquo;s Autopilot! It uses cameras, radar, and other cool sensors to know what&rsquo;s happening around the car. All these sensors gather lots of information, and this information becomes the building blocks for the smart machine learning stuff.</p> <p><strong>2. Brainy Algorithms: Making Sense of Data</strong></p> <p>Just like our brains help us understand things, Tesla&rsquo;s cars have special algorithms (fancy math rules) that help them understand the world. These algorithms look at the data from the sensors and find patterns. It&rsquo;s like teaching the car to recognize other cars, people, and all the things on the road.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Teslas Driving