Elon Musk Livestreams Tesla’s FSD V12

<p>Elon Musk recently livestreamed a drive to demonstrate the capabilities of Tesla&rsquo;s latest &ldquo;Full Self-Driving&rdquo; (FSD) software version 12. The drive took place near Tesla&rsquo;s headquarters in Palo Alto, California.</p> <p>Musk highlighted that FSD V12 relies entirely on artificial intelligence and neural networks to drive, with no traditional code. He stated &ldquo;there are no heuristics, no lines of code&rdquo; to explicitly tell the car how to handle situations like traffic lights or turns. Instead, the system has been trained on large volumes of driving footage to learn proper driving behavior.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/elon-musk-livestreams-teslas-fsd-v12-a4bede8e1482"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Teslas FSD