DevOps project using Terraform, Jenkins, and EKS
<p>Terraform needs to store state information somewhere. We are going to keep it in AWS S3 storage.<br />
So head over to your AWS panel and create a bucket. The bucket name has to be unique. So I am going to create it with the name: <code>mubin-devops-cicd-terraform-eks</code> , you’ll have to keep something else. I’ll be using US North Virginia (us-east-1) as the region for the bucket and keeping the rest of the settings the same to create the bucket.</p>
<p>We’ll be needing a key to login into the Jenkins EC2 instance.<br />
So go to the EC2 dashboard and scroll down to the Key Pairs link inside Network & Security menu.<br />
Click the “Create key pair” button. Give a name like “<code>jenkins-server-key</code>”. With the rest of the form fields as default, download the pem file and set its permission to 400. <code>chmod 400 jenkins-server-key.pem</code></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>