Terraform Basics: A Comprehensive Guide

<p>Terraform, an open-source tool developed by HashiCorp, is changing the landscape of infrastructure management. It allows you to define and provide data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language. This language is both human-readable and machine-readable, which means you can use it to collaborate and share your setups with others.</p> <h1>What is Terraform?</h1> <p>Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure efficiently and safely. It can manage existing service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. The infrastructure Terraform can manage includes low-level components such as compute instances, storage, and networking, as well as high-level components such as DNS entries, SaaS features, etc.</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/terraform-basics-a-comprehensive-guide-3bcc79ccde2b"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>