Shrine of the Times — Part 9. Shambhala: Terma or LSD?

<p>Imagine you are sitting in a typical Scottish pub during the 1960s, and a robed monk comes out of nowhere, looks at you, immediately bows, leans in real close and personal-like, and touches your forehead with his. In addition to this strange greeting for the times, this man starts chanting very loudly something that sounds like mumbo-jumbo emitted from a screeching cat. Of course, you might be taken off guard, but it was a time when such strange occurrences were commonplace, as East began meeting West and&nbsp;<strong><em>Desmond</em></strong>&nbsp;met Ch&ouml;gyam Trungpa. Des was intrigued by this slightly stoned-looking monk appearing in that pub, which was a rare occurrence.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Terma LSD