Top 10 Sites in Copenhagen, Denmark — the Top Ten Traveler

<p><em>Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links through which you can buy things if you like. If you decide to make a purchase, I receive a small commission&nbsp;</em><strong><em>at zero extra cost to you</em></strong><em>. This helps me to keep this site running.</em></p> <p>Copenhagen is a city that I have dreamed to visit ever since I was a child. I had no specific reason for that, but something in the Danish history and Viking culture has always intrigued me. As I grew up and read more about Denmark, my curiosity about this place grew with me. Seeing Denmark or Copenhagen ranked high or even first in&nbsp;<em>the best city in the world to live in</em>, or&nbsp;<em>the happiest nation in the world</em>, and similar, just made me wonder more about the magic of this city. I knew I had to be there and check it out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ten traveler