Tempest over Texas: The crash of Braniff International Airways flight 352

<p>On the 3rd of May 1968, a Lockheed L-188 Electra on its way from Houston to Dallas encountered a line of powerful thunderstorms high above the plains of Texas. But as air traffic controllers busily rerouted aircraft around the east end of the squall line, the crew of the Electra announced their intention to buck the trend: there were gaps to the west, they insisted, and that was where they would go. Unfortunately, their choice swiftly proved itself unwise, as they and their passengers plowed headlong into a monstrous, black storm, surrounded by lightning, rain, and violent winds that threatened to rattle the plane apart. Realizing too late that he had made a mistake, the captain attempted to turn back the way he had come &mdash; but as he began a steep, 180-degree turn amid severe turbulence and wild gusts, he lost control of the plane, slipping into a terrifying downward spiral from which they would never emerge. Seconds later, as the crew tried desperately to recover from the high-speed dive, the big four-engine turboprop lost a wing and plunged burning to the ground, taking with it the lives of all 85 passengers and crew.</p> <p>The story of their final minutes was one of tragic hubris, poor decision-making, and insufficient respect for the wrath of mother nature. In fact, when compared with official guidance today, the tale of Braniff flight 352 is a veritable checklist of what not to do when flying near thunderstorms, providing useful lessons for those who still face the same dilemmas more than half a century later. What follows is a reminder of how those modern rules of thumb for dealing with thunderstorms came about &mdash; and why adherence is a deadly serious matter.</p> <p><a href="https://admiralcloudberg.medium.com/tempest-over-texas-the-crash-of-braniff-international-airways-flight-352-67de2a279674">Website</a></p>