Use a Telegram Bot To Send Yourself Notifications When Jobs Are Done

<p>When training stable diffusion models or churning through batches of generations, I often have the jobs queued in a script that can run for hours and wish to know when they&rsquo;re done (or terminated early).</p> <p>While playing a sound at the end of a job is fine, I may not always be within earshot to hear it so I looked into various ways to notify myself on my phone or watch when something was finished.</p> <p>There were a few solutions but one of the easier and cost-free methods I found was through the use of Telegram Bots and to have them send messages to a Channel set up specifically for this.</p> <h2>Setup</h2> <p>The first thing to do is to create your own bot. Just open Telegram (either on the phone or on the desktop), find&nbsp;<code><strong>@BotFather</strong></code>&nbsp;and type&nbsp;<code><strong>/start</strong></code>&nbsp;and you will be given a list of commands.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Telegram bot