Have You Heard of Teiyu Goto?

<p>T<strong>here&rsquo;s a little pub in Belfast, nestled within a dimly lit alleyway. It&rsquo;s sandwiched between a rundown shop and a small caf&eacute;. The grubby exterior looks especially grim on a typical, rain-swept day in county Antrim.</strong>&nbsp;Sure, there are people venturing in, but they&rsquo;re few and far between and almost certainly locals. On Wednesdays however, unfamiliar faces pack themselves into the medieval-like tavern walls. The room comes alive, filled with the clinking of glasses, laughter, and general alcohol-fuelled merriment.</p> <p>Why Wednesday? Wednesday night is quiz night. The lure of cheap pints and a &pound;50 Amazon voucher for the winning team is, apparently, too much to pass up.</p> <p>I attended a pub quiz here before the pandemic changed everyone&#39;s plans. That night, the questions were fairly typical. Mostly general knowledge with the occasional specialised topic. Nothing&nbsp;<em>too</em>&nbsp;difficult. The optimism among my friends and I felt was palpable. We felt like we were doing well. The more alcohol we consumed, the more our confidence grew &mdash; just like in video games!</p> <p>&ldquo;Okay, next question folks. Can you list&nbsp;<em>three</em>&nbsp;famous industrial designers from around the world?&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/super-jump/have-you-heard-of-teiyu-goto-6a55bde038da"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Teiyu Goto