I am a 70-year-old Retired IT Professional and Academic, and I Can’t Figure This Out: Cooking With TechBro Tools!

<p>I realized just today, whilst conversing with a fellow cook on a pudding recipe, that nothing in today&rsquo;s techBro hellscape of online cooking shows, recipe websites, ChatGPT diatribes, or Google Translates that will help you cook anything edible, and I want to know&nbsp;<strong><em>why</em></strong>.</p> <p>Why is it that with all these digital innovations and billions of no-interest dollars invested in the industry, one still cannot use a cooking tool online to make a simple pudding pop?</p> <p>Well,&nbsp;<strong><em>I know the answer&nbsp;</em></strong>(tell me if I am wrong): the designers and CEOs of these tools and sites, could give a fuck about how your brownies brown, or your pudding pops. They don&rsquo;t&hellip;</p> <p><a href="https://herojig.medium.com/i-am-a-70-year-old-retired-it-professional-and-academic-and-i-cant-figure-this-out-cooking-with-fdce140d5050"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: TechBro tools