How You Can Build Your Team’s Confidence (and Why You Should)

<p>I once worked under a manager who was excellent at developing engineering talent. He willingly took on interns and made it a point to challenge, celebrate, and offer constructive feedback during their journey.</p> <p>While working with him, I transitioned from an eager intern into a confident Controls Engineer. To this day, I often find myself reflecting on his leadership &mdash; both strengths and growth areas. Among his standout qualities was his ability to help me build my confidence as an engineer.</p> <p>In this article, I will unpack a simple approach to help you empower the engineers on your team to stand tall with confidence.</p> <p><strong>Understanding why you should focus on building your team&#39;s confidence.</strong></p> <p>My favorite leadership podcast is&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">HBR&rsquo;s Coaching Real Leaders</a>, hosted by the insightful Muriel Wilkins. In one episode, Muriel worked with a director named &ldquo;Jay,&rdquo; who wanted to pursue a Chief Information Officer (CIO) role.</p> <p>He candidly shared how his previous manager chipped away at his confidence by being obnoxiously aggressive, expressing no gratitude for his dedication, and failing to offer professional growth opportunities. The absence of acknowledgment for his tireless efforts left Jay lacking the confidence to take on a new position.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>