Teaching Introductory Statistics? Comparing R & Python
<p>R and Python are similar in many ways. Both are freely available, operate on a wide range of computing platforms, and offer an extensive suite of support for statistics and data science. While R is more focused on statistical analysis, Python’s reach is broader, encompassing a wide variety of applications for data science and programming.</p>
<p>However, educators (and students) are often in time constrained environments where finding software with reduced costs of entry is paramount. Due to Python’s general scope, it can seem overwhelming at first, if not completely alien to someone with little to no background in computer science. As someone who teaches undergraduates, I am most concerned with my students applying the knowledge to their social science interests rather than memorizing or learning a specific language.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@wtc2189/teaching-introductory-statistics-comparing-r-python-42e592793e67"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>