What I Believe About Teaching and Learning

<p>This school year has felt like an emotional roller coaster. Every school year does, but something about this year has made the highs and lows feel more extreme. I have felt more doubt and frustration about my teaching, and the educational system in general, than I can remember feeling before.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m trying to make sense of this. I&rsquo;m trying to be realistic about the trade offs inherent to teaching. As a teacher I can be a changemaker, but I&rsquo;ll also be an agent of the state. I can prepare my students for standardized tests, but I won&rsquo;t have that time to do other things I&rsquo;m truly passionate about. I can teach in a public school in Central Harlem, but I&rsquo;ll be giving up certain freedoms and resources.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@blogsbe/what-i-believe-about-teaching-and-learning-9e7db82d17b3"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>