Enduring a Tarot ‘Eight’ Year in 2024

<p>I haven&rsquo;t sent a newsletter since my Year-Ahead reading for 2023, and this Year-Ahead reading for 2024 will be my last Underground Tarot newsletter. I&rsquo;m retiring this Tarot-specific missive in favor of a more expansive offering, not only limited to Tarot, which I hope you may still be interested in. The next iteration of my regular free, public written offerings will be on Buttondown, and you can look for an announcement about that soon on Instagram. A signup link will be available on my IG&nbsp;<a href="http://www.instagram.com/leftlanesmith" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">@leftlanesmith</a>&nbsp;and on my web site&nbsp;<a href="http://www.mxlanesmith.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">mxlanesmith.com</a>. I will be importing the email addresses from this Underground Tarot list into Buttondown, so if you do not want to be automatically subscribed, please unsubscribe by next week. Otherwise, I hope you&rsquo;ll enjoy the trajectory I&rsquo;m on, which is sustaining where I&rsquo;ve been so far in terms of integrating radical Left politics and spirituality, but moving on from an exclusive focus on Tarot. Thank you for being with me these past couple of years while I&rsquo;ve written about Tarot through the lens of politics! Tarot will certainly always be part of my practice and I expect I will still have things to say about it going forward. I hope you&rsquo;ll stick with me to see what more we can do with our rebellious spirits when we merge magic with making social change.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@politicsoftarot/enduring-a-tarot-eight-year-in-2024-675516cafcec"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tarot Eight