What is Tantra? A Short Q and A

<p>Tantra is a complex subject and not easy to define or explain. Here is my take on this based on my experiences and studies.</p> <ol> <li>How would you define tantra?</li> </ol> <p>I define Tantra as an &ldquo;intuitional science,&rdquo; a practical yogic path of liberation from physical and mental bondages. Tantra is a heart-centered and emancipatory path to attaining conscious union with the Divine. The Sanskrit definition I prefer for the word Tantra is that it is derived from&nbsp;<em>tan</em>&nbsp;plus&nbsp;<em>tra</em>. The root verb&nbsp;<em>tan</em>&nbsp;means &ldquo;to expand,&rdquo; and<em>&nbsp;tra</em>&nbsp;means &ldquo;to liberate.&rdquo; Tantra is thus the process of attaining liberation from all bondages by utilizing the fundamental cosmic energy, or Shakti, and, through physical and mental yoga, to awaken the experience of cosmic consciousness, or Shiva.</p> <p><a href="https://rbjonnes108.medium.com/what-is-tantra-a-short-q-and-a-5bad94affcca"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tantra