October 26–31, 2022: Takin’ it Slow

<p>Sometimes being abroad makes you feel a little fragile.</p> <p>Life feels a little more fleeting when you&rsquo;re so far away from all your friends and the quality of life in the countries you visit are not always what you&rsquo;re used to back home.</p> <p>That feeling became ever more present a couple days ago when 150 people died on a street in Seoul that I had just visited a week earlier. This isn&rsquo;t America, so it wasn&rsquo;t a mass shooting. Literally the street was just too narrow and too many people were packed into it to celebrate Halloween. That&rsquo;s all it took.</p> <p>Damn.</p> <p>Anyway, on a brighter note, this was an otherwise fantastic week in Singapore and southeast Asia. On Wednesday, I took a stab at foreign diplomacy and got drinks with a girl from Russia on a rooftop bar in Singapore.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@chrisozgo99/october-26-31-2022-takin-it-slow-c20240b14608"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Takin Slow