Tackling Time Anxiety at Workplace

<p>It is a known fact that not every person works with the same efficiency. Few are quicker than others and few might be too slow. But there is a category of people who face what is known as Time Anxiety. Time Anxiety is the constant thought within someone&rsquo;s mind that he/she is wasting time or the time is never enough to complete the allotted tasks. In other words, it means that the person has a fear that time is running out. Such people get anxious over time and start thinking that it&rsquo;s too late to finish the work or reach the end goals. This also shows the amount of stress at work.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:583/1*ekVtmJJvL90AauwLZIZKAA.png" style="height:383px; width:583px" /></p> <p>Professionals have to deal with a monotonous daily routine of meeting deadlines, learning something new, facing conflicts and trying to grow in their career and this kind of creates a daily struggle. Its very essential for employees to manage such struggles else it could hamper their employee productivity hugely. Here are few ways to manage time anxiety at workplace.</p> <p><a href="https://we360ai.medium.com/tackling-time-anxiety-at-workplace-24f53d79e094"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tackling Time