A Dark Side to Synchronicity Interpretation

<p>In this article, I want to talk about some of the potential pitfalls of trying to interpret a meaning from certain synchronicities. Specifically, these are interpretations that can cause one to feel paranoid or more fearful in their life. I don&rsquo;t want to make it seem like synchronicities are something to be suspicious or afraid of. They are really exciting and can add meaning to a person&rsquo;s life, especially when one is feeling nihilistic about the world in general. It is the mind and its interpretation of the synchronicity that needs to be questioned, because it can really work against you if you&rsquo;re not careful.&nbsp;I have a feeling that I&rsquo;m not the only person who has come across challenging synchronicities,&nbsp;which is why I wanted to publish here. I&rsquo;m also curious if any readers had additional wisdom that they wanted to share on this subject, as synchronicity is still a relatively new concept to me.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/channspirations/a-dark-side-to-synchronicity-interpretation-37775738c10"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>