Symphony of Solace: Embracing the Ever-Changing Sky

<p>My state of mind brims with moist eyes,<br /> The sky always wears a somber expression.<br /> Wandering and drifting on the other side of the world,<br /> Loneliness invades and harasses me time and again.</p> <p>Across the horizon, long threads of yearning are drawn,<br /> Your heart hangs dreams and clouds.<br /> Your sky is cold and gloomy,<br /> Loneliness occupies night after night.</p> <p>Love and longing hide in the distant horizon,<br /> When will our universes merge?<br /> When will our souls connect?<br /> Loneliness patiently awaits with a gentle smile.</p> <p>Yearning accumulates layer upon layer in the sky,<br /> May our spirits no longer shed tears,<br /> May the horizon no longer be bleak and dim.</p> <p>May our state of mind be filled with joy and smiles,<br /> May the sky radiate bright brilliance.</p> <p>As sorrows gradually dissipate,<br /> Sunlight will paint rainbows in the sky,<br /> Our state of mind will solidify happiness,<br /> The sky transforms into a deep blue lake.</p> <p>Yearning dances and sways in the wind,<br /> Our sky finally becomes a symphony,<br /> Soul intertwines to weave a beautiful story,<br /> Loneliness is embraced by joy.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ever Changing