What’s In A Name? The Origins Of Sydney’s Street Names

<p>For those of us who live in Sydney &mdash; we&rsquo;ve walked the streets of the CBD 1,000s of times, knowing them intimately.</p> <p>We know which ones are one way (and whether north or southbound), the best places to find a car spot, that there is always a homeless guy on the corner of George and Market Sts (who earns $50K pa via donations) and that the Town Hall Steps are the official meeting point.</p> <p>Au fait with Sydney we may be, but when you&rsquo;re standing at the corner of George and Market &mdash; do you know what the names George St and Market St actually refer to?</p> <p>The street names of a city are particularly interesting as they offer insight into its unique history, providing a snapshot view into the &lsquo;world as it was&rsquo; in the years of its youth.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/whats-in-a-name-the-origins-of-sydney-s-street-names-5bf70d95ef36"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>