Swift Concurrency. Chapter 1: Async/await Basics.

<p>As a small introduction, I would like to tell that this is my very first article on Medium and I&rsquo;m very excited to start writing it &nbsp;So, please don&rsquo;t be too judging, however a reasonable feedback is super welcomed .</p> <p>This cycle of articles will be about Swift Structured Concurrency. Somewhere in the articles, I will be adding the list of the references to a new chapters. And the reason why did I choose this is topic is quite clear &mdash; this technology is available already for a while, but it&rsquo;s still not widely-used and I want to popularise it. From the other hand, it&rsquo;s also interesting for me, especially some advanced topic for next chap&hellip; Okay, no spoilers. Let&rsquo;s start&nbsp;</p> <p>Async await is a part of new Swift structured concurrency that was introduced at WWDC 21 along with Swift 5.5. Concurrency in Swift stands for the process of running several parts of code at the same time. This statement is very simplified, but it should give you an understanding that it&rsquo;s important for any application.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@stanislav.kutsenko02/swift-concurrency-chapter-1-async-await-basics-bcf433a4dc9d"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>