What Happens if you Swallow a Mandarin Seed?

<p>If you were able to chew the mandarin seed and turn it like an&nbsp;<em>applesauce</em>&nbsp;<em>consistency (fluid-like consistency)&nbsp;</em>before you swallow it, it will be absorb in your gut and you get the nutrient.</p> <p>But if you swallow it directly without chewing, you will excrete it from your body as&nbsp;<em>undigested</em>&nbsp;substances together with your feces.</p> <p>A green juice will not undergo digestion, it goes directly to blood and you get the nutrient.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@daveganry/what-happens-if-you-swallow-a-mandarin-seed-f9f80bfd298"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>