Sustainable Arteries: The Brooklyn-Queens Expressway Blueprint for Urban Resilience

<p>AsI found myself mired in the standstill traffic of the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE) today, a familiar wave of frustration swept over me. This arterial road, notorious for its perpetual traffic snarls, triggered a lingering question in the stagnant air: Why is it like this?</p> <p>A journey that should have taken a mere five minutes unfolded into an astonishing 47-minute odyssey, covering the 2.29 miles from the bend of the Gowanus Expressway over 16th Street in Brooklyn toward Downtown Brooklyn. The endpoint to the madness, nestled just beyond Old Fulton Street where the BQE mercifully gave way to normal traffic speeds, felt like a distant mirage. The agony of inching forward at a snail&rsquo;s pace above the Hamilton Avenue Home Depot and up over the Gowanus Canal only intensified my pondering.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>