10 Survival Tips for Hiking (That Also Apply to Dating)

<p>Ever thought about how trudging through the untamed wilderness and navigating the dating world are eerily similar? No? Well, let me take you on a trek through this analogy. As someone who&rsquo;s hiked a fair share of treacherous trails and survived the equally perilous world of dating, I&rsquo;ve got some insights that might just change the way you lace up your boots or swipe right.</p> <h2><strong>1. Preparation is Key &mdash; Know What You&rsquo;re Getting Into</strong></h2> <p>Before you step onto a trail, you do your homework. What&rsquo;s the weather going to be like? What kind of terrain are we talking about? Similarly, in dating, a little recon doesn&rsquo;t hurt. I&rsquo;m not saying stalk their social media until you know their second cousin&rsquo;s pet&rsquo;s name, but hey, knowing their interests might save you from planning a sushi date with someone who&rsquo;s allergic to seafood.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@thenathanchen/10-survival-tips-for-hiking-that-also-apply-to-dating-627ff0b770de"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Survival Tips