Survival of the Fittest

<p><strong>Al</strong>, an old alarm clock who always had a frown on his face, used to live in a quiet, empty town called Gadget-Ville. His best days were long ago when his steady ringing filled the houses and woke people from their worst fears. But things changed when a handsome new guy named&nbsp;<strong>Max</strong>&nbsp;showed up with a state-of-the-art cell phone that did everything.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*Cc2iXUKe9mkzT96L6Jfbrg.jpeg" style="height:358px; width:358px" /></p> <p>Sad Alarm Clock</p> <p>Max was much more interesting than&nbsp;<strong>Al</strong>&nbsp;because he looked better and had an app that used the user&rsquo;s favorite music as a wake-up. Al&rsquo;s once-proud image and sense of self-worth were destroyed when he was turned down and put on the nightstand.</p> <p>When Max&rsquo;s alarms went off with their melodic &ldquo;ring-a-ling&rdquo; one morning, they sent the terrible, quiet message that Al&rsquo;s time had come and gone.</p> <p>Timmy, the only watchmaker on the empty street, was a pertinent part of Gadget-Ville society, which most people didn&rsquo;t know. His once-cool bands are now empty and lying on the floor.</p> <p>Timmy&rsquo;s soul is now in a lonely graveyard, where once there was demand and happiness. He was always reminded of how bad he was by the space his once-cool things left behind.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>