Surveillance Troops: White Supremacy and Me

<p>You say you&rsquo;re here to earn a living but you&rsquo;re just #CravingTheEmpire just as much as me and the next black soldier.</p> <p>You get to mock, ridicule and use physical snd verbal force against whyte women who you do not respect and it makes you feel powerful. I know what it&rsquo;s like to feel powerless. I am a prisoner. But before that, I am a black, bisexual woman just like you.</p> <p>They have you enslaved, trained like cops and you&rsquo;re blind to it. You&rsquo;re blind to your inevitable demise. I&rsquo;ve seen mine. I&rsquo;ve been lower than you could ever imagine.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>