Surrendered Leadership: the ecstasy of practicing collective wisdom

<p><strong>I&nbsp;</strong>now see more clearly than ever my relationship to everything. I feel lighter, more connected, and inspired to share life.</p> <p>Since 2019, I have been learning and facilitating Circling, a relational-based mindfulness practice, and this summer at the International Circling Festival in the Netherlands, in a 100-person circle, I reached a new level of clarity about one transformational form of the practice called&nbsp;<strong>Surrendered Leadership</strong>. I feel passionately that this practice can evolve everyone&rsquo;s capacity to lead from their deepest truth in connection to the collective, which is vital for our time.</p> <h1><strong>What is Surrendered Leadership?</strong></h1> <p><strong>S</strong>urrendered Leadership, as a practice, starts with a circle of people in a space for a certain amount of time. There are no rules from that point on (aside from&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">five principles</a>) which grants a freedom that resembles life as I know it. This creates an emergent space where, in this freedom, the truth of the human experience arises, and the practiced circler can feel connection to the collective alive in the body to powerful degrees.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s called Surrendered Leadership because, though there are named leaders who set and hold the context of the circle, they surrender in their leadership to the extent that the circle still represents to them the practice. This makes everyone in the circle a leader, whose practice is to surrender in leadership. So if everyone is surrendering in leadership, what happens?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>