Supreme Inequality by Adam Cohen

<p>An incredibly compelling and thoughtful read, Cohen makes the case in&nbsp;<em>Supreme Inequality</em>&nbsp;that the progressive, forward-thinking, civil-rights crusading Supreme Court of the 1960&rsquo;s Earl Warren years are no more, and that, since the election of Richard Nixon in 1968 and his subsequent establishment of the stridently conservative Warren Burger court, we have been locked in a fifty-year-struggle to achieve a more balanced and &ldquo;just&rdquo; America. Packed with case-by-case and statistically relevant breakdowns that are grouped into topics such as education, campaign finance, democracy, poor people, workers, corporations, and criminal justice, Cohen traces the monumental cascade of court decisions that have eroded the individual rights and liberties of most Americans, while at the same time amplifying and enhancing the rights of corporations,&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>