It’s Time to Kill the Supermom

<p>I don&rsquo;t talk about this much, but I&rsquo;m a recovering supermom.</p> <p>I never aspired to be a supermom. I never signed up for the job. But at some point, that&rsquo;s what people started calling me.</p> <p>I guess it was meant as a compliment &mdash; at least, I initially took it as such. I&rsquo;d been an overachiever for most of my life, and it only made sense that I should continue overachieving at my job while also overachieving at motherhood.</p> <p>When I returned to work 10 weeks after giving birth to my first child, I did all the things. I made casseroles on the weekend to freeze. I jogged with a stroller. I breastfed and pumped. I went to the farmer&rsquo;s market on Sundays.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Supermom