The Rise of the Super Villain

<p>The Emergence of Donald Trump as President of the United States turned the World upside down. We had been taught in School that lying and cheating is bad behavior. That Sexual Assault was a crime. That being a Racist is horrible. Then this Malignant Narcissistic Racist bursts onto the Scene and destroyed everything we value about Modern American Society. The Villain became the Hero for millions of angry White Republicans. The election of Barak Obama galvanized the White Nationalists and White Supremacists. They came together and rallied around their White Nationalist Savior, Donald Trump. Those of us have evolved to love all races in America were shocked at this chain of events. The stark Reality is the United States is not United. There is a deep divide between the White Nationalist Christian Republicans and the rest of the Country, we should not underestimate these people. They are heavily armed and united in the belief that America should be a White Christian Nationalist Country led by Donald Trump. They have succeeded in stacking the Supreme Court with Right Wing Christians. They are banning Abortion all over the Nation. They want every American to have the right to carry Assault Weapons in Public.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Super villain