I woke up early that day; chasing the sunrise I heard about.

<p>I woke up early that day; chasing the sunrise I heard about. I had my hot coffee and took a deep breath to shake my mind off last night&rsquo;s slumber. I needed to be full awaken so that to take in the breeze of the morning. Life passes by so fast when your eyes are half closed. I went outside and I looked for the landscape the morning&rsquo;s ethereal light painted carefully with shades of nude blues and yellows; just the perfect shade of all colours. I stood in the middle of it all and what was apparent to my eye was a mountain covered with light clouds of mist, as if curtains ready to start the play of &ldquo;The Road to the Sky&rdquo;. I focused more and I thought I saw another mountain, just the same, as if sculptured on the ground until I realized it was a reflection accurately drawn on a pool of water. A lake it was. So calm, you could barely notice a wave tracing its way through it, a steady surface as if you could never fall from. Then to the right of my eye, birds came back from the North, one and two and the rest were barely recognisable. They circled above the herd of their own kind floating on the side of the lake. These came back earlier, their chirps fading into the sacred silence of the place. And while I thought I am the only on a chasing mission, other two boats floated calmly on watery surface. I saw two shades of men on one and I wondered how it felt for them at that exact moment. I fixated my eyes again on the majestic mountain in front of me and I saw a yellowish object grazing its way through the mist. The Sun is here, as if it never left, touching almost with the sharp edge of the mountain. I swear if a person stood there, he could touch the Sun. Yet, another object of the night sought to fight for its presence; a bright star shone from afar. I knew enough that stars are always out there even through the day light. We just can&rsquo;t see them.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kenza.boubetra.2001/i-woke-up-early-that-day-chasing-the-sunrise-i-heard-about-28b246329e12"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: sunrise Heard