Sunny Review

<p>I&rsquo;m having trouble holding my head up high. However, this isn&rsquo;t what you think. I don&rsquo;t have an esteem issue (at least not today). I&rsquo;m not suffering or managing any bone issues that would screw with my spine cranking me out of place. Nope, I&rsquo;m not of a younger generation velcroed to my phone device coupled by the classic tilt in the downward gravitational direction. What&rsquo;s afoot is our pronounced season of shine. Those days that I want to be soaking up each of the rays. Meanwhile, I&rsquo;m a three-time skin cancer survivor.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">These phenomena collided into me amidst 2020 COVID</a>&nbsp;(<strong><em>warning</em></strong><em>: click solely if you can handle graphic dermis display</em>). It used to be when I&rsquo;d romp outside that I strode in honor of our main star. Who&rsquo;d have thought that instead, I&rsquo;d be chasing the ebony effects in a non-toned manner? Ergo, why I&rsquo;ve got a grumpasaurus posture adjustment to preservationally persist to remedy.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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