<p>It was our first full day in Barcelona, and we were wandering around after an amazing morning at Sagra Familia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="*hUyddi2ysaJJPFYQ-dxntA.jpeg" style="height:2252px; width:760px" /></p> <p>Lunch was approaching, and we&rsquo;d keep an eye open for a place. We walked by Sushi Cat, but David was thinking something Spanish. &ldquo;But we&rsquo;re in CATalonia,&rdquo; I said &hellip; also mentioning that we&rsquo;d eaten shawarma in Oslo. When we passed the next sushi place, he said it was an omen.</p> <p>It was YO&Uuml;ME SUSHI. Really, isn&rsquo;t sushi just Japanese tapas? Or &hellip; is tapas merely Spanish sushi? I wanted fish in this coastal city.</p> <p>They had a huge menu &hellip; but when our order arrived, it seems they might have gone to the local grocery store. It was fine, even good, but not as delicious as we were hoping. Lots of salmon, some tuna, a couple of shrimp. Plus green tea to round out our meal.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: SUNNY Spain