D/Bond Explored Another Side of Web3 World at Web Summit in Lisbon

<p>There were fun events, no doubt about it. But we were on ground to showcase our innovative contribution to the budding Web3 space as top brass in the tech world converged on the Portuguese capital. From the capabilities of our&nbsp;<a href="https://debond-protocol.medium.com/our-erc-3475-standard-is-adopted-by-the-ethereum-foundation-to-take-defi-to-the-next-level-26b7363a2edc" rel="noopener">ERC-3475 standard</a>, to the&nbsp;<a href="https://debond-protocol.medium.com/introducing-d-bond-kyc-solution-d-id-807e9c943478" rel="noopener">DID/KYC solutions</a>&nbsp;that we built to cater to the decentralised finance (DeFi) space, November 1 to 4 provided us with the opportunity to reach out to another kind of public: the Web3 community.</p> <p>And we were able to do that in-person.</p> <p><a href="https://desmolabs.medium.com/d-bond-explored-another-side-of-web3-world-at-web-summit-in-lisbon-9f9957f57b32"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Summit Lisbon