Chill Out in Argentina: Top Destinations to Escape the Summer Heat

<p>As the sun beats down on the Southwestern United States, transforming every sidewalk into a skillet and every car into a sauna, one can&rsquo;t help but fantasize about cooler climes. Consider this: You&rsquo;re leaving your air-conditioned cell for somewhere where the sun is a gentle friend rather than a fiery foe. A place where the heat has faded, replaced by cool breezes and refreshing scenery. Welcome to Argentina, my fellow heat-wave refugees.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*s4HqPg8aZvvJqJ3lB6Cp5A.png" style="height:393px; width:700px" /></p> <p>I understand what you&rsquo;re thinking. Argentina? Isn&rsquo;t that tango, Malbec wine, and beef country? Yes, it is all of that and more. But we&rsquo;re not here to talk about the sensual dance or the succulent steaks today. No, we&rsquo;re here to investigate Argentina as a potential cool vacation destination.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Summer heat