The Suicidal Don’t Need Your Optimism, Thank You

<p>People who are suicidal don&rsquo;t need to be told how to think about the world.</p> <p>We&rsquo;ve come to see suicidality as a distortion in thinking. Of course, that&rsquo;s correct.</p> <p>Just as most of the thoughts most of us have most of the time do not conform 100% to objective reality. It sounds a little different when we put the rest of us in the equation, doesn&rsquo;t it?</p> <p>When you&rsquo;re not experiencing the angst, the suffering, and the severe trauma that comes with believing Death is the answer, it&rsquo;s too easy to see your own thinking as clear and &ldquo;the sick suicidal people&rsquo;s&rdquo; thinking as distorted.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Suicidal