Opening to the Sufferings of the World

<p>In my late 20s, I found a therapist who understood why, after honing cognitive skills to the level of a PhD, I would seek help to get out of my head and deal with the emotional cost of so much learning &mdash; someone who would not laugh when I announced in awkward amazement one day that I had just discovered my abdomen.</p> <p>It was while learning to unthink and unsee and unlearn that I went through a period when I felt that I had no skin.</p> <p>It came on slowly, a byproduct of meditations, workshops, therapy, solitary hikes, and exercises to get past over-thinking everything. Along the way, as I dissolved some of the barriers between me and life, I lost for a while the protections those barriers provided.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>