How To Relate With People Struggling With Drug and Substance Abuse

<p>Supporting individuals struggling with drug and substance abuse requires a compassionate and comprehensive approach. A lot of us are quick to judge these people without understanding their circumstances and what led them to this rabbit hole. Some people struggle with life challenges that break them down mentally and this may be a cause of their addiction.</p> <p>I recently met an old-school friend who happens to be a medical professional. It&rsquo;s been a very long time since we met so our social dynamics and realities have evolved. In the cause of our meeting, he pulled a &ldquo;blunt&rdquo; which he was trying to wrap, stuff, ignite, and inhale. Then he politely asked me if I was interested in smoking with him but I declined.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>