Structural Singlism: The Unfair Treatment Experienced by Every Person Who Is Single

<p>Ineveryday life, single people are often stereotyped and stigmatized in the conversations they have with other people. The kinds of things other people say to us, and about us, sometimes reveal that they think single life is something people are stuck with, and not something anyone would actually choose. The kinds of questions they ask suggest that to them, there is nothing more interesting or more important than single people&rsquo;s attempts to unsingle themselves. Hence all the interest in whether we are &ldquo;seeing anyone&rdquo; and the disappointing lack of interest in all the people and things we really do care about. These everyday slights are among the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">microaggressions of single life</a>. You can think of it as the small stuff, except that it adds up, and is not really small in its pernicious effects.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>