Earthquake Strikes Acapulco, Felt in Mexico City

<p>After moving to the Mexico City area a year ago from today, I was told stories about earthquakes, but I have never experienced one, not here nor at any point in my life, until last night. It was quite a weird and surreal experience for me. Although I grew up in Northeast Arkansas, near the New Madrid fault line, I have never experienced one in more than 40 years of living, but I remember hearing stories as a kid about earthquakes. People used to talk about earthquakes and how our area hadn&rsquo;t had one since 1811 and 1812. Supposedly, a series of earthquakes lasted from December of 1811 to March of 1812. Over 2,000 happened in the Midwest, and between 6,000 to 10,000 happened in the Missouri bootheel alone, right next to where I grew up. According to the New Madrid Missouri website, it says, &ldquo;In the known history of the world, no other earthquakes have lasted so long or produced so much evidence of damage as the New Madrid earthquakes.&rdquo; The earthquakes were felt all the way to Washington D.C., New York, Boston, and Montreal. People even documented the Mississippi River flowing backward for several hours.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>