The Last Stretch

<p>Once upon a time a guy and a girl met, fell in love, and got married. They could have never imagined it would not have lasted forever.</p> <p>There was a magnificent outdoor wedding. They exchanged their own written vows in front of friends and family.</p> <blockquote> <p>They meant those words.</p> </blockquote> <p>They had two beautiful children.</p> <p>Time changed their partnership. It no longer worked to be an intimate, wedded couple. Twelve years after exchanging solemn words on June 18th, 1994, their bond began to wither and fray.</p> <p>Two years after that, they became divorced.</p> <p>They tried. But the attempt failed. It was too late. Only because they had both changed and moved away from the commonalities that joined them initially.</p> <p>They transitioned into a committed cooperation to raise their children in peace. It wasn&rsquo;t all smooth but they did a pretty good job.</p> <p>And it got better with time.</p> <p>She had been enabled to follow her artistic passions throughout all the years via financial breaks. One after another.</p> <p>She kept writing, producing material, and thriving&nbsp;creatively. All the while, assuming it would take her into independent fiscal stability&nbsp;when&nbsp;the&nbsp;luck&nbsp;ran&nbsp;out.</p> <p>When the real money was depleted, she turned to plastic cards, figuring she would find a way to legally reset when it got out of hand.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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