DABs: Streamlining CI/CD for Your Data Products on Databricks

<p>E2E Lifecycle management for AI/ML Projects and associated pipelines</p> <h2>Preface :</h2> <p>In the ever-evolving landscape of data science and engineering, Databricks has emerged as a popular platform for many Data Scientists/Engineers. It&rsquo;s rich suite of Data Products, encompassing workflows, delta live table pipelines , MLFlow, and more, has made data product development more accessible than ever before. Yet, while Databricks makes the development phase easy, the transition to Production, while upholding Software Engineering Best Practices, remains a challenge.</p> <p>I am a Data Scientist with passion for owning projects end to end, which has compelled me to acquire critical platforming and MLOps skills along the way. In this forthcoming article, I have tried to summarize my learnings, while going through this challenge. Databricks has recently demoed Databricks Asset Bundles(DABs) in Data and AI Summit 2023 and made it available in public preview. Lets dive in to see if DABs actually help solve this challenge.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@p4pratikjain/dabs-streamlining-ci-cd-for-your-data-products-on-databricks-da9303033b98"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>