How a Stray Cat Taught Me Empathy

<p>Earlier today I saw a man at a coffee shop drinking coffee. No phone, no tablet, no laptop. Just, staring into air, staring at the distant horizon, perhaps pondering the his next meal or the biblical end of times. I thought, at first, that this man is insane, to have coffee without the accompaniment of technology. But then, I wondered, maybe this man represents everything we could ever hope for in a friend, or a brother, or a son. Thoughtful, contemplative, laser-focused in the face of digital distractions (such as this post, and this app). Perhaps this man, alone with his coffee and his thoughts, could come up with more ingenuity than all the wisdom of Google and Wikipedia. I wondered what he was thinking about &mdash; maybe some utter nonsense. Or, maybe he was thinking about teaching kids, helping animals, giving to those less fortunate. True things. Things that last. The things we try to teach our kids; I don&rsquo;t have any kids but if I did I&rsquo;d probably try to impart on them these type of values. A lot has happened over the years. Things change, people change, circumstances change. I&rsquo;ve changed. And we&rsquo;ve all been tested by all manner of challenges. Yet, this man sipping coffee alone, he gave me hope.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stray Cat