The STRANGEST proof that the Qur’an is from Allah
<p>Every single book in the world must have an author. The noble Qur’an is therefore, no exception, it is a book, so it must have an author. All muslims believe that Allah is the one who revealed the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), but those who do not believe so they think otherwise. But who do they think wrote the Qur’an then? I mean if they don’t believe that the Qur’an is from Allah then who is it from then? because there aren’t really many options since the <strong>Prophet Muhammad was the one who dictated</strong> <strong>the words to his companions</strong>, the writers of wahi to write it down. So if they don’t think it’s from Allah then it should be one of these four options. Simply because there isn’t any other possibility so it should either be that:</p>
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